LiquidAgents Nursing Recruiters are trained to support nursing candidates in all specialties.
RNs choose LiquidAgents because we offer the support of veteran recruiters backed by industry-leading technology to help you book the most in-demand RN jobs across all specialties. Check out our job board now to find the perfect next assignment for you or contact a LiquidAgents expert to discuss your options. The highest-paying per diem, perm, and travel positions on the market are right here.
Are you a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)? At LiquidAgents, we set you up to succeed using our AI matching technology to pair you with your ideal job opportunities. Check out our job board to find LPN and LVN jobs in your specialty. Once you’re ready to apply, you can fill out your candidate profile to highlight all your credentials. Bring healthcare teams and patients the special something that makes you perfect for the role!
Interested, but don’t see your profession? Browse more positions below or reach out and someone will be in touch about opportunities in your field!
LiquidAgents has Talent Advisors who specialize in placing nursing candidates in staff jobs.
With a personalized approach, and a vast network of reputable facilities nationwide, LiquidAgents ensures candidates will find an array of opportunities while working alongside advisors who can prepare candidates for interviews and assist with contract negotiations.
With LiquidAgents Healthcare, you can sort through per diem shifts along with local, staff, and travel opportunities.
Per diem, meaning “by the day” plays a crucial role in ensuring healthcare facilities are staffed with skilled professionals on demand.
View fully transparent shift, job, and pay information.
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